Did you ever feel that you are doing way too much effort to get people to like you, and make friends, but when you do make them you just end up struggling to keep them ? Yap i have been there, and it took me a long time to realize that i am making a huge mistake when it comes to making friends , but being aware of the problem is half way to solving it so, in this article i m going to reveal 9 Signs You're Being Treated Like A Doormat
sign 1 : They put you down in front of others .
if your so called "best fiends " are constantly making fun of you in front of others even if they know that you are not okay with it but they continue to to do it , you may want to think again,
you are with the the wrong group , real friends defend you and support you and they wont treat you like a wimp.
Sign 2 :they ask you to to their homework
if you think that doing something for a friend that they could do them selves will make you a better friend ? Nooo It makes you a better pet a, good pet and they are using your need so prove yourself as a good dog for their benefit so next time someone ask you to be his good dog for that day , you know what to say, yes it's the opposite of Yes
Sign 3 :not taking you seriously
your opinion does not matter , "look who is talking" if you are with a group of friends and you feel like they do not give any attention to what you are saying
and maybe laughing at your ideas , again you presence is not appreciated and you are the last one they might consider listening to at the moment
Sign 4 : they get mad at you when you hang with others
and they show it , it's not because they love you and they do not want to lose you as a friend , it's because they don't want to loose their loyal pet , so they show you that they are mad so you can feel bad and try to prove that they are still you friends by being a slave.
Sign 5: You feel the need to impress them .
You Show up as soon as they call you , you give them your things , you are always the shoulder to cry on , would they do the same for you if the answer is NO = Doormat confirmed
Sign 6 :giving you orders
they never say please " get me that" " do that for me" " you are too slow " especially in front of others and every one will notice that you are being treated like a dog but you
sign 7: They tell your secrets
You consider them your best friends so you probably told the some of your secrets,next day everyone knows it , and they may tell you that it's no big deal they will forget it by the end of the day or that no one really cares maybe they will apologize but in their eyes you still a doormat
sign 8:you rarely get invited to events
Maybe they will if they remember you, but you are always the last person to be invited
Last sign :they are threatening you to end the friendship
and of cores it's because they know that you will make more effort to keep them happy , so they will do it every time you excuse from doing something that they told you to do.
those people are called attention whores both males and females they will do anything to feel that they are in control over someone they don't like you , but why they are hanging out with me then ? you may ask , it's simply because every one need a good pet and you fit the standers.
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