Tuesday, December 23, 2014

4 Ways To get Motivated And Stay That Way

To achieve a Goal in life we need motivation , because it’s the only thing that will put you in the starting line and be in your side as you take your first steps in changing you life , but ultimately  you are going to run out of motivation and you need you refresh it and motivation is basically keeping your eyes on the prize as you go thru all the struggling and the early failures before you win and believing deep inside that you are going to achieve your purpose ,So in this article I’m going to show you my ways of getting and staying motivated as I go thru the process of chasing my dreams .

Listen to motivational speeches.

YouTube is full of hundreds of motivational videos , speeches , Read books , Articles , listen to audio book , go to seminars, and most importantly try to meet people that achieved the goal Most people are willing to give advice and tell you about their experiences , if you are trying to lose weight , try to  get together with someone who had lost it and that changed their lives, want  to start a business .talk to someone who is successful at his business, listen to his story people love to talk about how they succeeded  .

Get the Hell away from Negative people.

Your friends effect you more than you think studies confirm that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so if your friends are too lazy to workout or are too negative and they try to talk you out of your goals consciously or unconsciously you need to get away from them, maybe hard but necessary if you are serious about your aims and goals, and you need to surround yourself with motivated supportive confident people that have similar goals than yours and if you can’t find them, so be it you ill have to hit the road alone

Write Down Your Goals.

That’s a must if  you are trying to lose weight  , don’t be like “ Yeaa I want to be fit , ill try to work out “ but write down all details about your Goal.

-           How do you imagine your looks after loosing that weight

-          Writ down how much pound are you intending to lose

-          All the daily and weekly goals

And read a lot of motivational quotes pick one that you like the most write it in a big piece of paper and put it somewhere where you get to see it every day

Make your own affirmations.

Yes they do work , just record on your phone a 4 minutes audio saying things like “ you are focused “ “ you can make it ( insert goal here)” or my favorite  Les Brown quote “ It’s Possible”, and listen to that twice a day or when ever you feel unmotivated to do your thing , You can Download audio affirmation too , but making yours will effect your brain positively faster  , and note that I insist on using ‘You Are” instead Of  “I am” so that you subconscious mind get effected directly .

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